Thursday, March 17, 2005










Hi Chuck, I am kiatlc, still remember me?

Last time when I wrote to u I told u that i only have one month's
saving left and dono what to do. Now I am in a more desperate and
helpless state that I only have cash for my half-month survival.

I dono what went wrong with me. When I flash back, I think that I have
practised quite well what Abe teach us to relax into the natural
well-being. Everything did improve except my financial condition.

I have manifested some small income along these few months. But it
seems stays small and never get bigger, until now I can't afford to
stay calm and wait for the best to happen anymore.

Maybe I personally cannot see my own problem. Maybe I have some hidden
resistance that disguised itself so well that I cannot trace and
identify. But what to do? I have no idea and I am struck by waves of
fear now and then in these few days! I am afraid that I cannot sooth
myself into relief anymore, because I really observe that nothing
favourable to me is coming along the way to me...

I feel that I begin to vibrate in the down spiral manner and I am
afraid to attract worse thing to happen! But since I have practised
Abe's teaching for quite a period, everytime when I catch myself
dipping into negative emotion, I cautiously pull myself back. But I
sense that the fear is accumulating and it seems to draw more power to
itself using the LOA. The fear seems to have its own life and try to
gain more and more power! I really near to desperate now!

If Abe can read my vibration, could you plz ask them to read mine and
show me that what I have done wrong that I myself cannot see through?

Logically I see no road to escape and feel that I am just like a fish
off water, losing its life little bit by little bit. I have card debt
that I not afford to clear for feww months, somemore I have personal
debt RM40,000 that I have to set aside and treat as if it never exist.

I know that my savings actually is not enough even to sustain for
another 15 days, bcoz I have other bills to pay...I have to reserve
the money not to pay bill but only reserve for food!

I feel like wana cry and feel very helpless and hopeless. I am not
going to work 9 to 5 for it is not suitable for me. I know myself
well, I cannot and am not willing to do something I don't enjoy just
to sustain my life...

At the same time, I am working hard to setup my own internet business.
I am not the lazy type, but oppositely, I am a very hardworking type.
I can spend day and night on something I enjoy very much and never
feel like wana rest.

Plz help me. I don't wana force myself to do sth that I don;' enjoy
just to survive! Didn't Abe say that: The purpose of life is joy! I
feel not wanting to live a not enjoyed life! I don't wana survive for
suffer, I don't wana work to survive, I wana live for joy, I wana live
for happiness, I wana live for doing something I enjoy!

Plz help me Abraham. What should I do now? From the day I learnt yr
teaching I have begun my practice to allow. Why untill now what I
manifest is only mediocre? Why is it so slow? What have I done wrong?
You said "you never get it wrong" but I feel that I have done
something wrong so that I get it stuck. You said "you never get it
stuck, you just keep manifesting the same thing again and again". But
I cannot see through myself. I cannot get the last blind spot that
hinder me from great life!

So plz read me thoroughly and tell me: What have I done wrong? What
keep me stuck? What is the most serious blind spot that I still not
discover for myself?

Plz give me the insight to clear all the wrongdoing in my vibration.

Looking for yr reply ASAP, online! Thanks

from desperate kiatlc, Malaysia
A sincere follower.



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